NH Librarians work throughout the year to promote literacy in the State of New Hampshire. Titles are recommended by librarians, teachers, youth media specialists and young readers. Click here for a description of each award.
The Great Stone Face Book Award is given annually to an author whose book receives the most votes from students in grades 4-6 throughout New Hampshire. The purpose of the award is to promote reading enjoyment, to increase awareness of quality contemporary writing, and to allow children a chance to honor a favorite author. The award is sponsored by CHILIS (Children's Librarians of New Hampshire), a section of the New Hampshire Library Association.
The Isinglass Teen Read Award was begun in 2001 by the Barrington Public Library and the Barrington Middle School in order to promote teen reading, the participation of teens in the creation of their own reading list, and to honor those authors whose works speak to youth. Voting is open to all New Hampshire libraries that are interested in participating and occurs in April of each year. Recommendations for the list will be accepted from any 6-8th grader in the state.
The Flume: NH Teen Reader’s Choice Award was created in 2005 in response to a New Hampshire teen’s request to have a book award geared towards high school students. This award is a state-wide venture led by a collaborative effort from school and public librarians. Each year teens nominate titles, published within the last two years, they think deserve to be recognized. Librarians narrow the group of titles to a shorter list. Teens then vote for the winning title.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 300 Canterbury, NH 03224